We Need It!
Joshua 1:7: "Only be thou strong and very courageous."
That's what we need!
We need the encouragement that God can provide.
When David Livingstone was a young man, he had an invitation to preach
at a rather large church in Glasgow, Scotland.
He had hardly started preaching when his mind "went blank."
Then he sat down and was very embarrassed.
Robert Moffat, a well-known missionary was sitting in the audience that day,
and said to the young preacher, "That's all right, David.
If you don't make it as a preacher, maybe God wants you to be a doctor."
Those words lodged in the mind of Livingstone.
He went on to become a world-famous missionary doctor, preacher and explorer.
All of us appreciate and need those who encourage us.
God encouraged Joshua as he replaced Moses as the leader of Israel.
Three times in the first few verses of Joshua, we find the words, "Be encouraged."
God gives encouragement to His people.
God encourages us because we need that encouragement.
No one is exempt from having this need.
We need encouragement because our work is tough and we welcome words
that cheer us in difficult days.
As we follow Joshua through his life, we see that he did not have an easy way.
Read about him as he and all Israel wandered around in the deserts
between Egypt and the Promised Land.
For forty long years they had a dead end circuitous journey filled with hard and tough work.
Farmers find their work hard.
Housewives, students, welders, painters, mechanics, engineers, teachers, doctors, nurses
-- all have painful days.
You can add your occupation to that list.
The daily grind of life is not easy, so God says to us, "Be encouraged."
God encourages us because we don't have instant success.
There are many delays as we reach for our goals.
Joshua had delay after delay, and we also can expect delays as we strive to reach our goals,
and hope that we can do so.
The Bible records the story of the 12 spies being sent out.
Because the majority said the land would be impossible to conquer,
God placed them on a wandering route until all the non--believers died.
The protesting majority formed a barricade that kept the Hebrews out of the Land of Promise
for forty years.
Often we have barricades that are between us and our goals and our dreams.
We may often be tempted to quit.
We often encounter risks that keep us from our goals.
But God will step in and encourage us.
We need encouragement because our relationships are not always good.
Joshua was present when Korah and his 250 men rebelled against Moses.
He saw the struggle that continued across the years in the camp of the covenant people of God.
We need encouragement for we have our "Moses and Korah" problems.
God is greater than all our difficulties, and He encourages us to keep moving forward.
We need encouragement when we lose our dearest friends along the journey of life.
Joshua knew that God buried Moses up in the mountain, and then he saw Miriam and Aaron die,
as well as thousands of others.
Moses had served as friend and advisor and as an example for Joshua.
Now he is gone, and Joshua must have felt so alone.
We feel discouraged when friends "leave us."
Our spouse is taken away.
Or tragedy strikes in other ways -- illness may come.
Some may move away.
Some may even forsake us.
And we feel the sting of that loneliness.
God steps in to give us a strong word of encouragement as He did to Joshua.
When Dr. Bunting, one of John Wesley's great disciples died, the pastor at the funeral lamented,
"The Sun of Methodism as set with the death of dear old Dr. Bunting."
One person actually stood to his feet and said: "That's not so!"
Of course, that was not a nice thing to say at an hour like that.
But the words were not true.
God's work goes on because He encourages us when some of our leaders move away.
God gives encouragement in specific ways.
The Lord does special deeds and favors for us.
Look at some specific ways that He encourages us.
God tells us the way to go!
He told Joshua to "Cross the River Jordan."
That message may not be what some would want to hear.
That message reminds us of the dangers and difficulties and possible wars ahead.
Joshua knew that there were giants, walled cities, and rough, rugged land ahead of them.
But God said to His people to go.
There were no boats to cross the river, and there were no bridges.
How would they get across to the land so they could conquer it?
God has a way!
I love the song that I learned as a teenager:
"Got any rivers you think are uncrossable!
Got any mountains you cannot tunnel through?
God specializes in the things tho't impossible.
He does the things others cannot do."
-- Oscar C. Eliason
We have many possible conquests ahead of us.
Our co-workers need to know Jesus.
We have family members that need Jesus, and need to be helped.
We need to reach young people for Jesus Christ.
The world is our field.
Jesus said, "Go home, and tell your friends what great things the Lord hath done for you."
God is very specific in His encouragement by promising to be our defense.
He said to Joshua, "No man shall stand against you."
That was a promise that no enemy could defeat him.
Joshua waged 32 brilliant military campaigns, with the help of the Lord, and won all of them.
God gives specific encouragement by being present.
God said to Joshua, "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you."
When you read the Bible in the presence and protection of God,
you will find one wonderful surprise of encouragement after another.
Musician/song writer Dan Sampson says he composed the words of his song,
"I Won't Let You Go," on one Monday night.
Dan's wife shared with him the testimony of a lady who had suffered years
of depression and anxiety.
The lady said, "Day after day I would stay in bed and never get up to face life ...
I would pray over and over, "God, don't let me go."
Then, she would remember the promises of God that is said in many dozens of ways:
"I'll never let you go."
God keeps His word!
And that lady became a happy, radiant Christian and successful businesswoman
in her city and state.
God is with us.
We are greatly encouraged and strengthened by His presence.
God encourages us by giving His Word.
In Joshua 1:8, we read that God's Word ought to be in our mouth so we can speak it.
And in our mind to meditate on it day and night.
God's Word must be a part of our daily life.
Read the book of Psalms.
Then, read some of the great chapters of the writings of Paul,
and many other of the great promises of the Word of God,
and you will be tremendously encouraged.
Someone expressed his feeling about the Bible in this way:
"God's Word is like a deep, deep mine,
And jewels rich and rare,
Are hidden in its mighty depths,
For every searcher there."
Holman Hunt painted a picture of Christ knocking at a door.
It is called, "Christ, Light of the World."
The little boy asked his father why no one answered.
Then he answered his own question, "Oh, I know.
They all must be in the basement and cannot hear Jesus knocking."
God wants us to hear Him.
Many do hear, but it is tragic to say that they never respond.
God wants to give us encouragement and help for every need of our lives.
All we need to do is to let Him.
God Leads Us Along!
"In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet,
God leads His dear children along;
Where the water's cool flow bathes the weary one's feet,
God leads His dear children along.
Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright,
God leads His dear children along;
Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night,
God leads His dear children along.
Though sorrows befall us and evils oppose,
God leads His dear children along;
Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes,
God leads His dear children along."
Some through the waters, some through the flood,
Some through the fire, but all through the blood;
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song,
In the night season and all the day long."
By George A. Young, 1903
Sermon adapted from several sources by Dr. Harold L. White