It Never Fails!
Psalm 119:97-104; 1 Peter 1:24-25
The Word of God never fails.
I would ask you to turn to Psalm 119 as we read verses 97-104:
"O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies:
they are ever with me.
I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.
I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word.
I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me.
How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way."
Then I would asked you to turn with me to 1 Peter 1:24-25:
"For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
But the word of the Lord endureth for ever.
And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you."
There are many things in this world that has been described as "invincible."
"Invincible" means that which is not possible to defeat.
It means that which could never suffer failure.
Back through history we have heard about the invincibility of things which are not to us invincible at all.
For instance, over 300 years ago the world's greatest naval fleet of that day sailed out of the ports of Spain.
Protestants had taken over England.
The Pope had commanded that Protestantism in England should be defeated forever.
He called upon the government of Spain, and they built what they termed the "Invincible Armada."
Three hundred ships left Spain on that morning, headed for the English Channel.
They formed a crescent five miles long as they approached England.
They called it, "invincible," and it seemed to be invincible for no one had ever seen anything like that.
But sometimes God in His providence interferes with the plans of man and efforts at invincibility.
For on that day the little British fleet under Drake and Forbisher met them out in the Channel,
and drove this "Invincible Armada" into the port of Calais setting fire to the Spanish ships.
Those that escaped made their way up the Channel into the North Sea where terrible storms came
upon them allowing only two or three of their ships to ever come back to Spain.
Man's efforts at invincibility had become nothing but an idle dream.
Remember, there is only one invincible thing in this world, and that is the Word of God.
"For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass whithereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
But the word of the Lord endureth forever.
And this is the word by which the gospel is preached unto you."
The Word of God never fails.
Every Christian who marches under the banner of Calvary is headed for definite and certain victory.
With the Bible in our hands as the only thing the world has ever known that will never suffer defeat.
Here are a few observations about this Bible.
First, it has for its authority inspiration from God the Father.
Second, it has for its message salvation to God the Son.
Third, it has for its power, transformation through God, the Holy Spirit.
Fourth, it has for its promise, victory through the churches and the kingdom of our Lord upon the earth.
First, it has for its authority, inspiration from God, the Father.
That is what it claims.
"The Word of the Lord that cometh unto me."
That is said in the Bible more than twenty-four hundred times.
As also said is: "This is the Word of the Lord," or "the Word of the Lord which came unto me."
Paul said, "I did not receive it; neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of God,"
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable."
Peter wrote, "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man:
but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
Also, all of the historical assertions in the Bible are correct.
There have been times when it has been said in the world that we could not depend upon
the historicity of the Bible.
They said, "It may be correct in the historical assertions, or it may be wrong."
I want to remind you that there is not an error historically within the covers of the Bible no not even one.
Some years ago the Readers Digest stated that the historical assertions of the Old Testament of Israel
in its day and the rebuilding of the land of Palestine is the historical assertions of the Old Testament.
In the Books of Kings and Chronicles, we have the historical records of the Jews of ancient days.
There is found in those and and 1 and 2 Samuel all about Solomon's mines thousands of years ago;
but those mines were lost.
But then, some years ago engineers went back to that location related in the Bible,
and found the mines of Solomon.
They also found that the mines had enough tin to meet the needs of a new nation in Palestine.
They have gone back to the historical assertions of the Old Testament relative to the portions of soil in Palestine.
They found that the soil would grow and produce certain crops; and then in later years,
they found it to be exactly according to the statements in the Bible.
In 1917 General Allenby and his army was encamped at Michmash in Palestine to battle
against the Arabs and the Turks.
Soon there would be a great and decisive battle.
The old, Christian general sat in his tent that night, and the word, "Michmash," came to his memory.
He called for his Bible, and found that near Michmash, Jonathan and his armorbearer
found a little mountain with a half-acre clearing on top, and that there were two jutting rocks
with a narrow passage.
Jonathan and his armorbearer went through that passage, and defeated the enemy.
That same night the British Army found that mountain with a half-acre clearing and two jutting rocks
with a narrow passage.
They made their way through it, and the next day Palestine was won again to Christendom
after more than 1,000 years under the iron heel of the Muhammadans.
There are so many similar illustrations in the Bible, but this one illustrates the fact
that it must truly be the Word of God.
Not only that, but it's scientific indications are evident.
The Bible does not claim to be a treatise on scientific subjects, but there is no scientific error in it.
Some thought that maybe the world was round.
Copernicus was one of them.
Then Galileo invented the telescope, and gazing out into space he said, "I know it is."
In 1492 Columbus sailed westward and proved that the world was round.
However, they had not discovered anything.
Eight hundred years before Christ, Isaiah, the prophet, said that the world was round.
He said, "[The Lord] sitteth upon the circle of the earth."
Some years ago to men, a doctor and his son in Italy, went up fourteen miles into the stratosphere,
and they came back to say, "It is dark out there. All space is filled with darkness."
That wasn't anything new.
Even before Moses lived Job said, "The Lord hath swaddled the earth and darkness."
We learned that through rain and wind and erosion by glaciers and by other acts of nature
layer upon layer of soil and rock were carried into certain valleys and areas of the world.
Men dugged down so far, and find the remains of mortal man.
They dug deeper, and found the remains of mammals, and below that -- reptiles and fowls.
Finally, below that they found the remains of life in the sea.
They cried out, "Eureka, we have found the order of life upon the earth."
They had not found out anything.
Many hundreds of years ago Moses sat on Mount Horeb and wrote those truths into the Book of Genesis.
He told us that in the beginning God created life and put it in the water,
and that then He created the fowls of the air, the reptiles, the mammals, and finally man.
Today, we are still discovering fresh confirmation of the scientific criteria that are laid down in the Bible.
There that to remind us in this later day that this Bible is the Word of God,
and that it is the only invincible thing in all the world.
Second, it has for its message, salvation through God, the Son.
The Bible tells us everything we need to know not everything we want to know.
The Bible is dealing expressly with one thing, and that is salvation for man
through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
When you study the Bible, you will find that the theme of every book in the Bible is salvation through Jesus.
"He was promised in Genesis, provoked by its law, prefigured in its history, praised in its poetry,
promised in its prophecy, provided in its Gospels, provided in its Acts, preeminent in its Epistles,
and prevailing in its revelation."
Salvation through Jesus is the message of the Bible.
Search book by book, and you will find that:
( Below is 1st the scripture as to its location in the book -- - the second scripture is its confirmation
in the New Testament)
In Genesis He is the Prepared Sacrifice. 22:8 John 1:36
In Exodus He is the Fountain of Life. 17:6 1 Cor. 10:4
In Leviticus He is the Bleeding Lamb. 16:15-16 Rev. 13:8
In Numbers He is the Brazen Serpent. 21:8 John 3:14
In Deuteronomy Jesus is the Great Rock. 32:31 1 Pet. 2:7-8
In Joshua He is the Bridge over Jordan. 3:17 John 8:51
In Judges He is the Delivering Savior. 2:18 1 Thess. 1:10
In Ruth He is the Faithful Bridegroom. 4:10 Matt. 25:10
In 1 Samuel Jesus is the Great Judge. 2:25 Acts 10:42
In 2 Samuel He is the Princely King. 5:3 Acts 13:22-23
In 1 Kings He is David's Choice. 1:29-30 Matt. 22:44
In 2 Kings He is the Holiest of All. 19:22 Luke 1:35
In 1 Chronicles Jesus is King by Birth. 29:20 Matt. 2:2
In 2 Chronicles He is King of Punishment. 18:19-21 2 Thess. 1:8-9
In Ezra, Jesus is the Authenticated Writer. 7:25-26 Luke 22:37
In Nehemiah He is the Builder. 6:16 Matt. 16:18
In Esther He is the Avenger. 9:12-19 2 Thess. 1:8
In Job He is the Daysman. 9:33 2 Tim. 2:5
In Psalms He is the Good Shepherd. 23:1 John 10:11
In Proverbs Jesus is the Epitome of Wisdom. 4:7 Col. 2:3
In Ecclesiastes He is the Great Preacher. 1:1 Matt. 4:17
In the Song of Solomon He is the Church Lover. 2:2 Eph. 5:25
In Isaiah He is the Suffering Savior. 53:3-9 Mark 15:24-37
In Jeremiah He is the Redeemer of Israel. 3;14 Rom. 11:26
In Lamentations He is the Weeping Son of Man. 3:48 Luke 19:41
In Ezekiel Jesus is the Glorious God. 1:26 Rev. 19:16
In Daniel He is the Reigning Prince. 9:24 Rev. 20:4
In Hosea He is the Mislaid Christ. 8:14 Matt. 15;6
In Joel He is the Judging Christ. 1:15 John 5:22
In, Amos Jesus is the Eternal Christ. 4:13 John 1:1
In Obadiah He is the Forgiving Christ. 1:17 1 John 1:9
In Jonah He is the Controlling Christ 2:1-10 Matt. 8:27
In Micah He is the Authoritative Christ. 4:1-3 Matt. 28:18
In Nahum He is the Jealous Christ. 1:2 1 Cor. 10:22
In Habakkuk he is the Spiritual Christ. 3:4 2 Cor. 10-4
In Zephaniah He is the Merciful Christ. 3:17 Heb. 2:17
In Haggai He is the Resting Christ. 2:4 Heb.4:10
In Zachariah He is the Returning Christ. 14:5 John 14:3
In Malachi He is the Humiliated Christ. 3:1 Mark 16:16-20
In Matthew Jesus is the Fulfillment of Prophecy. 2:5 Gen. 3:15
In Mark he is the Militant Leader. 2:15 Rev. 19-14
In Luke He is the Universal Teacher. 19:47 2 Chron. 6:27
In John He is Love Incarnate. 3:16 Titus 3:4
In Acts He is the Impelling Force. 1:8 Acts 8:39
In Romans He is the Reconciler. 5:10 2 Cor. 5:20
In 1 Corinthians He is the Resurrection. 15:22 Rev. 20:12
In 2 Corinthians He is the Comforter. 1:4-5 John 14:18
In Galatians Jesus is the Indwelling Savior. 4:6 1 John 4:12
In Ephesians He is the Head of the Church. 5:23 1 Cor. 11:3
In Philippians He is the Believer's Pattern. 2:5 John 13:15
In Colossians He is the Exalted Prince. 1:17-19 Heb. 1:3-4
In 1 Thessalonians He is the Believer's Hope. 1:10 Col. 1:27
In 2 Thessalonians Jesus is the Heavenly Victor. 1:8 Rev. 11:10
In 1 Timothy He is the Preachers Friend. 1:11 John 3:29
In 2 Timothy He is Faithful Lord. 4:8 Rev. 19:11
In Titus He is the Cleansing Lamb. 3:5 1 John 1:7
In Philemon He is the Great Liberator. 1:8-10 John 8:36
In Hebrews He is the Great High Priest. 6:20 Heb.7:24
In James He is the Brother of Man. 1:9 Heb. 2:17
In 1 Peter He is the Vicarious Sufferer. 3:18 1 Tim. 3:16
In 2 Peter He is the Long-suffering Savior. 3:9 Rom. 2:4
In 1 John He is Man's Advocate. 2:1 Heb. 7:25
In 2 John He is the Truth of God. 1:1-4 John 14:6
In 3 John He is the Strangers Friend. 1:5-8 Prov.18-24
In Jude He is the True Teacher. 1:3 Matt.28:20
In Revelation He is the Final Consummation of Every Thing.
1:4-8 1 Cor. 15:24-26
(This list was prepared by E. S. James who said, "I spent a year to be sure I was correct.")
That is the message of the Bible.
It is salvation through Jesus Christ, The Son of God.
Third, it has for its power, transformation through the Holy Spirit.
The Bible transforms continents.
Years ago, they talked that South America is behind North America because they thought
the colonists of North America were looking for God while in South America they were looking for gold.
Of course, I don't think that is true.
They were looking for God and gold in both Americas.
The difference is that in South America of the priests of Rome came with the Bible closed,
and in North America Protestant ministers came with the Bible open.
South America is just is rich in mineral.
Its soil is just as productive.
Its people are just as intellectual as we.
But it is far behind our North America, and the difference lies in the place given to the Bible.
An open Bible will transform continents.
Many years ago Voltaire, the philosopher, said to France: "We do not need the Bible.
I give you a new philosophy of atheism."
And France swallowed it.
Russia borrowed it through the office of Catherine the Second, their Queen.
From that moment onward, the French walked the downward trail until the scaffold of Louis was erected.
The guillotine took the place of human judgment, and for 100 years, and maybe even now,
France has been reaping from her folly.
Those seeds of atheism lay buried in Russia until 1917 when they burst in all their fury in the Red Revolution
that led to the communist state.
At that very time, during Voltaire's influence in France, a few brave colonial fathers met in Independence Hall
and declared the independence of a new nation.
Thirteen years later, they laid the framework of a constitutional government.
They built a government upon the principles of an open Bible.
America is not perfect.
The fact is that we are far from perfect.
But America is the hope of the ideals of Western democracy today simply because of the influence
of the Bible upon her life.
The Word of God will transform a country or continent or a city.
Some years ago, an oil community in Bolger, Texas advertised for a preacher.
They said, "This oil field community has gone wild, and we cannot live here."
In response a preacher with the Bible under one arm and hymnal under the other went there.
Several Christian layman went with their money to help build some churches.
They opened the Bible; and Borger, Texas, today is a community of which its citizens
are justly proud.
The Bible has made it over.
The Bible will transform your home.
The Invincible Word and the Holy Spirit will solve your home problems.
This Invincible Word will solve the problems of an individual life.
A little girl stood on a street corner playing a battered old violin.
She really couldn't play it.
She was begging for help, and people passing by would drop in a coin and hurry on.
One day, a stranger came and picked up the battered and marred and worn violin.
He tuned it.
He tightened the bow, and as he drew it across the strings, the people stopped in amazement.
They had never heard such music on that corner before.
It was the same old violin and the same old bow, but it was in the hands of a master now.
Paganini now held the violin.
There is many a battered, marred, disfigured life -- almost ruined.
The Word of God can change that life into a thing of beauty forever.
When the Master takes hold of you and the Word of God finds its way into your heart,
it will change you under the power of the Holy Spirit.
The last thought is that it has for its promise, victory for the people of God.
Christians talk too much about defeat.
But Jesus never did.
Jesus never used terms that indicated that He expected to be defeated or that He thought
maybe the day would come when righteousness would cease and His churches would fail.
Jesus didn't talk like that, and neither must we.
The battle is long, and it is hard.
It is been going on throughout the centuries between God and Satan, between right and wrong,
between goodness and evil.
It is a long, hard battle.
Sometimes the sign of victory is dimmed by the clouds of evil, error, sin, and trouble.
However, Jesus Christ is carrying the banner.
Jesus is the Victor, and He has promised victory unto His own.
The Bible says that the power will come when, "Every knee [shall] bow;
and every tongue
[shall] confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God, the Father."
So, we shall not fail.
We are surround by many enemies who oppose us.
But despite the fighting legions on the outside, and all the enemies on the inside,
filthy fortunes on the top side, and foolish fanaticism on the bottom side, we are still a victorious army.
This Sword of the Spirit is invincible.
It will never suffer defeat.
Around us we see the picture, and it looks dark.
Atheism is advertised.
Wickedness is publicized.
Government is subsidized.
Armies are mobilized.
Education is secularized.
Liquor is legalized.
Prostitution is publicized.
Immorality is glamorized.
And hell is oversized to take care of them.
But the victory is ours.
This is an invincible gospel.
It will never know defeat.
"The Word of the Lord endureth forever, And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you."
Outside the realm of Christendom outside the Christian camp are armies of nationalism,
the curse of terrorism, the vultures of expansionism; but we're not yet defeated.
Even inside our camp there compromisers, modernizers, and there are demonizers.
Some of our people hesitate and some vacillate while others just stagnate.
But we haven't lost the battle.
This Word of the Lord endureth and will never be defeated.
The climax of the battle has already been reached.
There has always been a battle between right and wrong, and it will continue to the end of the age;
but the climax was reached when Jesus went to the cross.
There in a single day the storms of the ages rolled in upon Him.
Suspended on the cross was the lifeless form of the Son of God.
For three days hope seemed buried and victory seemed to be an idle dream.
Jesus lay buried in a human grave.
However, thank God, He came out of that grave.
He stood alive upon the earth and gave this message to His people.
He said, "Go out with that message, and win the whole world to me.
I'll will always be there with you even to the end of the world."
President Woodrow Wilson was a great statesman.
After the first war, he stood in the National Capitol on Armistice Day and made this speech.
He said, "History grows wary as it endeavors to pen the lives of those who have dashed themselves
to pieces in opposition to the inevitable.
It required centuries of incessant fighting to wring the Magna Charta from the hands of kings.
Despite the efforts of the Bourbons to keep the French in the dust the scaffold of Louis was erected,
and all France was swept into the whirlwind of red terror.
Despite the efforts of the Hanovers to hold the American colonies in thrall,
and check the on sweep of freedom, this Great American Republic today attests
to the fatuous dreaming of George lll.
For more than a thousand years the kings of the earth outpaced destiny in their opposition to Jesus Christ.
Every onward step of Christianity has been marked by the blood of martyrdom;
but in spite of the wild beasts of the arena, in spite of rack and faggot,
in spite of unexampled massacre the cross looks up everywhere;
and a hundred million voices are lifted in praises that reverberate around the world."
Evil and error do hold within themselves the seed of their own undoing.
Someday they will die; but all the powers ever possessed by man can never check
nor kill the message of God's Own Eternal Truth.
One might more easily put a halter upon the wind or check the tide of the dashing ocean
than destroy the progress of the Word of God.
"All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass whithereth and the flower thereof falleth away:
but the word of the Lord endureth forever,
and this is the Word by which the gospel is preached unto you."
This sermon was adapted from a sermon by E. S. James.