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God's Wonderful Surprise- 1:26-28

It's always a wonderful surprise to find something good in an unexpected place.
The Bible is full of experiences like that.
Usually, the something good that is found in an unexpected place, is God!
Whatever Mary was doing that day, she certainly did not expect to be confronted with
a messenger from heaven....

Do You Hear?- 1:46-55

``Do you hear what I hear?"
That is not only the question of the Christmas carol, it is the question of Isaiah,
it is the question of Mary.
It is the question of faith.
Do you hear what I hear?
Listen... and be blessed. ...

The Innkeeper's Problems - 2:1-7

In reality, the innkeeper has as much need for our sympathy and understanding,
as he does for our criticism and condemnation.
This innkeeper was faced with some real problems.
He had problems coming at him from every direction.
The innkeeper had business problems....

Christ Came Down- 2:1-7

The heart of every believer should take comfort in the recollection of God's providential
government of the world.
A Christian should never be greatly moved or disturbed by the conduct
of the rulers of the earth.
We should see with the eyes of faith a Hand overruling all that they might do
to the praise of God. ...

"Unto You A Child Is Born." - 2:1-14

The angel of the Lord points to Bethlehem, saying, "For to you is born this day a Saviour."
For our sake God became man.
For us He emptied Himself that we may be exalted.
For us He gave Himself that we may be lifted up and drawn unto Him....

When The Angels Stop Singing - 2:15

This time of year there will be a thousand names and faces, which will experience
a mountain of misery.
That is what happens in life, when the angels stop singing....

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What Christmas Means- 2:8-14

The supreme meaning of Christmas is that God gave Himself to us.
The supreme challenge of Christmas is that we give ourselves to God.
And then help others to see Him as He is....

The Signifcant Shepherds- 2:8-20

By examining the roles of the shepherds in the Christmas story,
we may learn some valuable lessons about the true meaning of the Christian life.
Why does God choose the shepherds to be recipients of the angelic proclamation
of the birth of Jesus? ...

Expectations of Christmas- 2:21-38

If we were honest, we would admit that most of the time
Christmas never lives up to our expectations.
For many the season will be disappointing. ...

The Wait Is Over- 4:21

For centuries, the Jewish people had looked forward to the coming of One
who would bring relief, salvation, and hope.
Isaiah had described Him as the One quot;who would bring good news to the poor,
release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and liberty to the opposed
(Isaiah 61: 1 as quoted in Luke 4: 18)
Generation after generation passed.
Life was difficult and discouraging.
In many ways life got worse.
Could they continue to believe in the coming of the Messiah?
Could they sustain hope? ...

Luke 6:37-39

What Are The Dues?
Luke 6:38

Greatest Gift
Luke 7:11-14

Jesus Deals With Death
Luke 7:11-15

God Was There
Luke 7:11-18

You Can't Please Everyone!
Luke 7:31-35

A Parable of Encouragement
Luke 8:4-15

I Believe In Miracles
Luke 8:22-25

Luke 9:51-62

The Moment Of Truth
Luke 9:57-62

The Point Of No Return
Luke 9:62

Crises In A Mother's Life - 10:19f

This message is not intended to be a digest of easy answers for beleaguered parents,
nor will it provide quick formulas to already broken relationships.
This message is an attempt to set forth a few sound principles to help parents find direction
in this difficult task of rearing children....

Promises to Keep
Luke 10:25-27

Luke 12:13

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Repent or Perish
Luke 13:1-5

Give It Another Year
Luke 13:6-9

Gods Expectations

Straighten Up!- 13:10-21

In our Scripture passage we are going to look at two people who were bent out of shape.
One was a woman who was physically bent out of shape and the other was a religious man
who was spiritually bent out of shape.
One was crippled by a spirit of weakness and the other was crippled by a spirit
of legalism and bitterness....

Humility -- We Need It!
Luke 14:1;7-11

Sold Out To Jesus- 14:25-27

You and I must be sold out to Jesus.
Jesus deserves every minute of every day and every penny of every dollar.
He must have every ability and every skill that we possess.
After all - every thing that we have has come from God.
His love must master us, control us, constrain us -- we must be sold out to Jesus....

Lost and Found
Luke 15

Healing Power of Confession
Luke 15:8

Fatherhood- 15:11-32

God intentionally revealed Himself as Father because He is Father.
Father reveals something of His nature and character, something He wants us to understand.
We live in an age where fatherhood has been depreciated.
There is no doubt that the traditional understanding of the family is under constant attack....

A Respectable Christianity
Luke 15:25-32

A Word We Need To Understand
Luke 16:1-2

Neglected Doctrine
Luke 16:19-31

Grace of Gratitude- 17:15,16

This leper who came back to thank Jesus was, by that simple act, was putting something
gracious into life and, at the same time, was enriching the quality of his own soul.
This is why our Lord was pleased at what he did, and why He regretted that
the other nine had failed to do it.
Let us see what the grace of gratitude contributes to the lives of others....

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Where Are The Nine? - 17:17

Does it not break your heart to love, to sacrifice, to give, to go the second mile,
turn the other cheek, only to be forgotten and go unthanked?
Then, how must our Father in heaven feel as He looks upon us here today...

Where Is Thanksgiving?- 17:17f

We wonder, as Jesus did, what happened to the other nine.
They were saved from a fate worse than death.
They had no hesitation in receiving healing for their leprosy.
As far as we know, they were thankless. ...

Find It Or Lose It!

When Thanks Are Not Enough - 18:9f

Sometimes, thanks are not enough!
Jesus understood this.
We find it in a parable toward the end of His ministry.
In those last pages of the Gospel, you can almost feel the desperation
as He tried to squeeze as much as He could out of His few remaining days.
And in that setting of great urgency we find a warning about thanks. ...

Call To Humility
Luke 18:9-14

Self Righteous
Luke 18:11-12

Lost - 19

There are several facets of lostness.
There is physical lostness.
If this occurs in a life-threatening situation when resources are running out,
physical lostness can be terrifying.
There is emotional lostness.
Among our "divers diseases" is one the Bible names hardness of heart.
Its symptom is callouses on the soul.
The worst expression of lostness is spiritual lostness.
Everyone is lost, who is not in Christ.
In Luke 13: 3, Jesus said, "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
Jesus said of Himself,
"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."
(Luke 19: 10) ...

Christ Can Change Things
Luke 19:9

Lost Opportunities
Luke 21:29-36

The Way Of The Cross
Luke 23:33

Three Ways To Die - 23:39-45

So, those three crosses that stood on Calvary on that Good Friday many years ago
have become symbols of the three ways a person can live and die.
Let's move a little closer and look at each man on each cross and discover
how any person can live and die. ...

Burning Hearts- 24:13f

"Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us on the road
and explained the scriptures to us
In the midst of a journey, these two men are taken by surprise while traveling on the road.
This is just like Jesus!
Jesus is always ready to meet us at the turns of our life. ...

The "I Wills" Of Jesus
Several Scriptures

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